AACI has started issuing electronic certificates

AACI accreditation or clinical certification e-certificates can be displayed in a digital format on websites and social media, as well as in printed form. Regardless of how it a certificate is presented, there are mechanisms in place for the verification of the certificate providing traceability back to AACI database.  Anyone wishing to verify an AACI Certificate can do so by using the QR Code feature, or by following the unique URL associated with each e-certificate. QR code can be found on each printed certificate.


E-certificates provide multi-stage security for the verification of authenticity and validity. AACI web e-certificate is accessible using a QR code or URL,  and our secure system prevents fraud and document tampering.


E-certificates provide the added value of being more secure than paper certificates:


  1. You can prevent document fraud, loss, and damage with our cloud storage and secure electronic system
  2. Verification of certificate authenticity and validity is easy
  3. Secure cloud storage makes sharing documents simple and helps facilitate management of certificates


The new features of our e-certificates will make doing this much quicker and simpler than it is with our current certificates so if you do come across an “old certificate” from an accredited healthcare organisation during the transition period, this does not necessarily mean they are no longer accredited. In order ti verify validity please refer to the Accredited/Certified Organizations link.