AACI launches a new clinical certification program for Senior Living and LTAC Facilities

After 12 months of consultation with patients and families, experts and policy makers, AACI released its standard that will help organizations assist senior citizens, their families, and stroke survivors provide quality care and help managing their lives leading to positive outcomes. An AACI stroke shield clinical excellence certification would not only impart the relevant tools and protocols needed to deliver superior quality stroke care, in doing so, it would likewise convey a sense of safety and security to the surrounding community, including residents, family members, employees, referring healthcare agencies (hospitals, rehab facilities, physicians practices), and other prospective clients.  The advertising and marketing upshots of this assurance and awareness would prove extremely valuable in and of itself.  Similarly, as some 27% of residents attribute dissatisfaction with the quality of care as the reason for departure from residential care facilities, improved stroke care would greatly assist in resident retention efforts, with average length of stay and customer satisfaction increasing harmoniously.  Resident health, safety, happiness, and quality of life would benefit tremendously.


In short, an AACI stroke clinical excellence certification instills an invaluable structure of consistency and reliability that begins with detailed preparation and culminates with high quality execution.  The direct effects of this service on resident health and satisfaction, employee confidence and fulfillment, and community perception, translates to less turnover for both residents and employees, enhanced marketability, higher census rates, and thus increased profitability.