Case studies on European health systems published

The second volume in the overview of the state of primary care in Europe presents detailed case studies on 31 European countries. The case studies look at governance, financing, workforce and the breadth and limitations of services in European states. It examines national and regional variations and approaches to provision of primary care, as well as looking at how such care relates to broader health-care outcomes within particular countries. This new volume consists of structured case studies summarizing the state of primary care in 31 European countries. It complements the previous study, Building primary care in a changing Europe, in which the organisation provided an overview of the state of primary care across the continent, including aspects of governance, financing, workforce and details of service profiles.These case studies establish the context of primary care in each country; the key governance and economic conditions; the development of the primary care workforce; how primary care services are delivered; and an assessment of the quality and efficiency of the primary-care system.The studies exemplify the broad national variations in accessibility, continuity and coordination of primary care in Europe today, something that complicates the assessment of primary care’s role in contributing to the overall performance of the health system despite growing evidence of the added value of a strong primary care sector.

Source : European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

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