The next generation of accreditation/clinical excellence certification survey

Taking accreditation/clinical certification to the next level, our new survey methodology allows you to demonstrate compliance to the chosen standard while building sustainable and safe performance over time.
Healthcare surveyors must alter their approach to provide more in-depth, strategic risk coverage that keeps pace with the changes. The next generation of accreditation and clinical survey demands a shift from the traditional, transaction-based approach to a strategic, dynamic, multidimensional approach that transforms survey into an insightful and powerful risk enterprise tool with material impact on the control environment. This next generation survey model can be thought of as a best practice for healthcare surveyors to work toward to extend their function’s effectiveness and value within the organization.
Three pillars are the foundation of this model:
• A robust, comprehensive risk assessment to identify high-risk issues in a broad range of clinical, strategic, and operational areas as well as traditional transaction-based functions
• Flexible staffing that draws on specialist expertise in a wide range of clinical and other functions, such as nursing, pharmacy, and information technology, to generate business intelligence and results in new and emerging complex risk areas
• A risk culture of strategic alignment and close collaboration between surveyors and the senior leadership, management, and governance teams.
This is done without added cost or time. The immediate output is the new survey report which will includes overall score performance, list of findings and a quick insight on what is most important for your organization.
You should also to consider which risks could prevent you from reaching each of the long-term business targets and which your management system could help you manage. Clients should look forward to these next-generation surveys. Even though the overall survey cost may not change, the value to be delivered through these services will increase exponentially.Clients should start the conversation today with AACI to plan for this future approach.
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