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At AACI we believe that every patient accessing dental services expects excellent care regardless of the specialty, location, or size of the organization.

We have developed a comprehensive set of standards specifically for dental services. They are written to encourage facilities to develop and improve their own individual clinical services within their own scope of practice.

AACI has done a systematic review of classic and emerging relevant literature reported in dental professional publications. We have integrated these international best practice methodologies based on proven guidelines to produce a unique set of Dental Accreditation Standards. Our standard provides guidelines and requirements for restorative, orthodontic, endodontic, and other dental practices which utilize topical or nerve block techniques. The Standard also includes a special addendum covering the practice of moderate sedation (and equivalent procedural terminology) for those organizations providing these services.

NOTE: For oral surgical facilities employing deep sedation/general anesthesia, the requirements of AACI International Accreditation Standard for Healthcare Organizations are applicable. Please contact us for further information.

AACI assimilates expertise from around the globe to develop healthcare standards in line with international best practice. Our goal is to facilitate good practice and innovation by reviewing the knowledge and experience of experts, practitioners, and patients. We then help your individual dental organization achieve measurable, relevant practice goals. Our system of collaborative support helps you develop and evolve a practice which has its foundation in quality care and continually improving patient safety and satisfaction. Errors and adverse events occur in all areas of dental healthcare. These may include but are not limited to:

  1. medication events (both procedural and prescription)
  2. events based on departure from current standards of care
  3. events associated with improper maintenance of equipment
  4. events based on improperly maintained patient records
  5. events arising from the failure to acquire informed consent
  6. events caused by procedural error
  7. inadequate patient monitoring
  8. moderate sedation
  9. events associated with the failure to establish and maintain appropriate infection control measures
  10. the absence or inadequacy of patient follow-up care
  11. failure to follow applicable regulations and national laws.

It is imperative to prevent, mitigate, and control any of these hazards before they lead to patient and/or organizational harm. A systematic approach to risk awareness at all practice levels is also a primary goal of the AACI International Accreditation Standards for Dental Organizations. These Standards allow dental services to review themselves internally, and to be externally surveyed to facilitate continual improvement in the quality of critical process outcomes.