Interior of a hospital room with medical equipment including an IV stand, patient monitor, and a hospital bed in the foreground, conveying a sterile and professional healthcare environment.

Ruling Risks, Saving Lives

At AACI, we’re not just about setting international standards. We are about advancing healthcare excellence, ruling risks to save lives. Be part of our mission and strive towards a future with optimum patient care.

Start your accreditation process today.

Our Vision is mitigation of human error in healthcare

Joining with AACI is not just about the provision of external scrutiny – it is about working together to improve healthcare services for patients and for staff

On behalf of the International Accreditation Standards Certification, I am representative of Synphaet Hospital Kanchanaburi would like to express our deep appreciation for visiting with Dr. Somporn Kumphong and AACI team surveyors on 14 July 2022 to present with AACI ® American Accreditation Commission. We are thanking you for providing us with an opportunity to learn and guiding about service excellent to achieved 1st hospital in Asia with AACI accreditation International standard. We greatly appreciate your supports and advice you have shared. We will being the excellent service hospital in western Thailand and ongoing to develop and keep the better.

Dr. Kitti Intharasukphon Director, Synphaet Hospital Kanchanaburi Thailand

Ready to Start the Accreditation or Certification Process?

Do you still find yourself with lingering inquiries? We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to address any concerns you may have, with the primary goal of ensuring your complete ease and confidence throughout the entire process. Please do not hesitate to reach out; we are here to provide you with all the information you need and guide you through every step, guaranteeing your peace of mind.