Application for Certification

In this topic:

ISO 9001:2015 certification services is exclusively provided by the AACI d.o.o. Slovenia unit.

This stage can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. Become familiar with the general information on certification, the rules of certification, and the relevant ISO 9001:2015 requirements
  2. Contact us (by E-mail or by phone), to make arrangements for a free informative meeting
  3. Send a completed F-002 Application form to the AACI d.o.o. Office
  4. AACI d.o.o. will thoroughly review the application to determine if the conditions for contract conclusion have been satisfied. Upon determining that the certification process can commence, AACI d.o.o. will provide the client with a “Certification Agreement” to sign. If the conditions are not met, AACI d.o.o. will inform the client of the reasons why the process cannot proceed.