Accreditation Committee

In this topic:

The Accreditation Committee is collectively accountable to the community and other stakeholders for AACI’s performance in relation to its mission, vision, and values and for the effective stewardship of its operations. The Accreditation Committee meets regularly and one of its main tasks is to make decisions as to whether the healthcare organization  will or will not receive accreditation award, basing these decisions on the input received from the technical review process. The members are elected for the 2-year period to conduct meetings and assume leadership in decisions of policy and finance.

As of May 1st 2024, AACI Accreditation Committee voting members:  

  • Zeljko Ferencic, MD, (Chairman)
  • Omer Pesinci (Vice Chairman)
  • Filip Ovsenik (Vice Chairman)
  • Dr. Anshu Jhamnani, DDS
  • Shelle S. Rogers

Non voting member:

  • Kresimir A. Paliska